One island many worlds
Have you ever made a treasure map?
Onko aarrekarttamenetelmä sinulle tuttu?
I'm a dreamer. I have made many of my visions come true.
Unelmat ovat saavutettavissa.
I don't find enough words to describe my feelings. Our friend Dimos Kassapidis said to me: "You are a real lucky girl!" when we met in Kokkari Square in the 13th of September. In fact this video led us to this photogenic island for the first time in 2011.
I'm grateful to all our friends in Samos. I noticed during my journey that I already have friends there and this time I got many new ones. It is easy to make friends with Greek people. They are so kind and polite. I felt cared about at my beautiful Hotel Arion and it was safe to explore this side of the island by foot and by bus. Taxi drivers were all also really polite and they spoke good English.
In my hotel I met travellers from Germany and Holland so I got an opportunity to practice my forgotten German as well. One of the most unforgottable situations was at the Lemonakia Beach where I had a nice discussion with a Swiss lady. She has been hiking in Samos already 21 years with her husband. I respect their journeys. They have found a place where they can come year after year.
We are looking forward to our next holidays in Samos!
Suomalainen sanonta: Yksi kuvat kertoo enemmän kuin tuhat sanaa sopinee tähän, vaikka ylläoleva kuva onkin kollaasi kuvausmatkani huippuhetkistä. Internetyhteydet toimivat, kun muistivat, joten iltasella leikin löytämälläni appsilla kuvasatoa karsiessani.
Unelmamatkastaan pökerryksissä, Tuija